Open Government

“Rod and I have worked together for fairness, transparency and openness in Santa Clara. He continues to find smart and innovative ways to outreach to our citizens, increasing involvement and participation in City Government. His work on campaign finance reform and agenda streamlining has paved the way for good government in our City. I am proud to support Rod.”
— Mayor Lisa Gillmor, City of Santa Clara

“Yet again, my precious friend Rod Diridon continues to bring caring, concern and commitment to our fine city – with uncommon honesty and integrity, leadership and creativity. I encourage you to join me in whole-heartedly supporting him to continue as our Santa Clara City Clerk!”
— Sen. John Vasconcellos*
*Our dear friend John Vasconcellos passed away on May 24, 2014. He offered this quote in perpetuity, and with love in my heart for his memory I am honored.

“Rod Diridon has led Santa Clara to be the model city in California for fair, ethical and open elections. Rod helped create Santa Clara’s award-winning ethics program. He was the first to propose an anti-revolving door lobbying policy to limit the influence of special interests. Rod Diridon is simply the best at what he does and Santa Clara is fortunate to have him as City Clerk. I, wholeheartedly, endorse his reelection.”
— Laurie Smith, Santa Clara County Sheriff

“Rod is a constant source of innovative ideas. His calm demeanor and leadership in the midst of a storm keep everyone grounded, on track and working together.”
— Susan Kitchens, Retired City Clerk
Community Service

“Rod has served as our City Clerk for twelve years, on the City Council before that and as a community volunteer for decades. Whether championing good government programs or fostering public safety Rod has shown that he cares. He does more than just talk, he has the courage to do what is right for Santa Clara.”
— Mike Barnes, President, Santa Clara City Firefighters Association

“Rod is consistent and fair, and that’s important for a City Clerk. He implements elections that are unbiased and provides equal opportunity to everyone. It’s no wonder he earned an Award of Distinction from the California Clerks Association.”
— Frank Saunders, President, Santa Clara Police Officers Association
Award-winning Service

“Rod said that he would take the City’s good government programs to a new level as the City Clerk. The City’s voter outreach programs have won three Program Excellence in Governance Awards from the international City Clerk’s association, due in large part to Rod’s hard work and insight. He kept good on his promise and did what is right for us as voters.”
— Steve Lee, Former President, Mission Park Homeowners Association

“City Clerks and County Assessors have a lot in common. We share the same obligation for impartial and professional service. As the Santa Clara County Assessor, I am committed a fair and equitable property system. Fairness and equity is the standard by which Rod Diridon Jr. administers his professional responsibilities to the residents of Santa Clara. Rod has earned your support for another term as your City Clerk.”
— Larry Stone, County Assessor

“Rod has a broad vision of the office of City Clerk, balanced by his experience and involvement in our community. He has proven his leadership and that he looks out for us. Rod Diridon is my choice, let’s keep him as our City Clerk.”
— Glorian Quigley, Timpany Center, Woman of Courage Award Winner